What is Urd?

Urd is Interbull Centre processing and storage system.
System is built on Open Source and Free Software.
Used operatingsystem is GNU/Linux.

Urd is devided in two major system parts:

  • GP3 (General Purpose Processing Power) - The system that makes the computations/processing, distributed system.
  • GDS (General Distributed Storage) - The storage system, distributed filesystem

Who is Urd?

Urd is one of the Norns in Norse mythology. Along with Verdandi and Skuld, Urd makes up a trio of Norns that are described as deciding the fates of people.
Urd is together with the Norns located at the well of Urd beneath the world ash tree Yggdrasil of Asgard.
They spin threads of life, cut marks in the pole figures and measure people's destinies, which shows the fate of all human beings and gods.
Norns are always present when a child is born and decide its fate.
Urd approximately means "fate".

One of the poems in the Poetic Edda, Völuspá or “The Insight of the Seeress,”:

There stands an ash called Yggdrasil,
A mighty tree showered in white hail.
From there come the dews that fall in the valleys.
It stands evergreen above Urd’s Well.

From there come maidens, very wise,
Three from the lake that stands beneath the pole.
One is called Urd, another Verdandi,
Skuld the third; they carve into the tree
The lives and destinies of children.